Qingpeng Cai (蔡庆芃)


About Me

I am now a Senior Staff Algorithm Engineer(资深算法专家) in KuaiShou Technology. I was a Senior Algorithm Engineer in Alibaba Group(Ali Star, 2019). I recieved my Ph.D. from Institute for Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences headed by Prof. Andrew Yao, Tsinghua University, and I was advised by Prof. Pingzhong Tang. Before that, I received my B.S. from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China. During my undergraduate, I worked in the LAMDA group headed by Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou.


  • 2024.7.6: I will serve as Area Chair of AAMAS 2025.
  • 2024.5.17: Two papers are accepted by KDD 2024!
  • 2024.3.26: Two papers are accepted by SIGIR 2024!
  • 2024.2.8: We will hold AgentIR: 1st Workshop on Agent-based Information Retrieval at SIGIR 2024!
  • 2023.9.22: Two papers are accepted by NeurIPS 2023!
  • 2023.9.9: We have released the code implementations of our RL4RS papers!
  • 2023.9.7: I will present our RL4RS works at Workshop on Video Recommender Systems (VideoRecSys)!
  • Research Interests

    My research interests include reinforcement learning, large language models, and recommender system.

    Selected Invited Talk

    Program Services

    Working Paper

    Publications(* indicates the corresponding author)